You Can Save Money By Switching Medicare Supplement Plans
Medicare Supplement's premiums increase each year.
As you have now been on Medicare for some years, you have noticed premiums increase. Remember: your rate will never increase based on your claims, everyone on the same plan has the same increase.
Good News – Keep the same plan with a new company and SAVE MONEY
Unlike Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C) or Prescription Drug Plans ( Part D) - Medigap or Medicare Supplement plans have no annual enrollment period. All plan “ G “ have the exact same Medicare medical benefits. You can shop NOW for a new, more cost-effective plan.
Premium Savings & Added Value
If approved, you could save hundreds of dollars per year! Some companies even offer additional premium discounts if you live with your spouse or someone else, discounts on dental, vision, and gym memberships.
Medicare Supplement Plan N vs Plan G?
Medicare Supplement Plan G offers more protection than Plan N.
Plan N doesn’t cover:
Plan N doesn’t cover:
- Excess Charges: Most healthcare providers that accept Medicare also accept Medicare assignment, which is the cost that Medicare states they’ll pay for a given service. If the provider wants to be paid more, they can bill you for excess charges, which can only be up to an additional 15% of the original cost.
- Copayments: With Plan N, you’ll be responsible for copays of up to $20 for some office visits, or up to $50 if you go to the emergency room but aren’t admitted as an inpatient.
What’s Next …. ?
The Insurance Company will ask medical questions to determine approval. Most of our clients do qualify and are able to obtain a similar or the same plan with a more cost-effective premium. The health questions and rates vary between insurance companies. We’ll compare all the companies to find most beneficial plan for you.
Let’s Get Started
Please complete the questions below. We will contact you to start application, approval and potential $avings.
Example: 71 year old female who has MediGap plan “G" with company “Current" is paying $ 187 per month.
If approved, her new premium with company “Better" could be $145 monthly for the same plan “G" with exactly the same benefits. And now a Savings of $ 504 every year.
If approved, her new premium with company “Better" could be $145 monthly for the same plan “G" with exactly the same benefits. And now a Savings of $ 504 every year.
I wholeheartedly recommend David Trout for your insurance needs. David helped me find a Medicare Supplement Plan that fits my needs perfectly with a much lower monthly premium than I’d paid previously. What’s more he was responsive to my questions and a pleasure to work with. Need insurance? Call David Trout."
Bruce Mulkey
Asheville, North Carolina
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